We are so happy to be back together in the forest after a long winter break! We had a short week, but a very sweet one.
Thursday brought us back to the Fallen Oak play site. The students enjoyed exploring the water left on the trail from the storms earlier in the week. Dams were built, puddles were splashed in, and many mud pies were made.
We began a new flow to lunchtime, which the children were so receptive to! We’re truly loving our new family-style meal time, where we are able to sit together at tables, and share a quieter moment as we fill our bellies with good food!
On Friday, we welcomed a new Forest Helper and Teaching Fellow, Christina! The students helped Christina find their favorite places in the forest, and loved listening to her read My Self, Your Self at snack and storytime.
We explored lots of jelly fungus, new friendships, and balancing in the forest. The children used their incredible imaginations to create structures and ships from sticks, and worked together to reach common goals.
This is such a special group of curious and kind kids. We’re so inspired by watching them grow and blossom in this natural space!
We wish you all a fantastic weekend, and can’t wait to see you next week!