What a fantastic last week before break!
Tuesday brought us to the fallen oak site with Eva! We noticed lots of deep imaginative play in the group…who knew this group had so many superpowers?!
On Wednesday, we had a very special day celebrating Huck’s birthday!! Happy 4th birthday to Huck, and thank you to Christine for bringing warm cinnamon apples to share!
Thursday’s wet weather brought the opportunity for experimentation with water along the trail. The students worked together to move rocks to create dams, pools, and to change the direction of the water. Some of our friends invented “mud mittens” by painting their hands with red mud!
Friday was a fantastic wrap up to a great semester. In circle time, we talked about the break, how we’ll be away from school for a bit, and wished each other safe travels and fun adventures!
We are so grateful for all of you and this vibrant community! We can’t wait to see you all in the new year!