Week 11: roasted roots + wriggly worms + a burlap sack swing

Highlights from the week: (10/17-20)

  • Nocturnal Discovery box from Sandy Creek Nature Center: skunk and possum pelts, possum skull, dehydrated brown bat, a magazine all about bats

  • Weaving small mats using chunky yarn on Deanna’s loom

  • Warm snacks for cooler days: Elderberry and lemon balm tea, oatmeal and apple sauce

  • Roasted root veggies in lunch: turnips, potatoes, carrots, radishes

  • Burlap sack filled with leaves strung over a tree: a swing, a punching bag, a pendulum. The play options are endless!

  • Added red wiggler worms to our classroom vermicomposting bin

  • Mixed primary colors to create secondary colors and painted mini pumpkins