Week 2 - Growing community and carrots!

Our first full week is complete! We are so proud of these children and grateful for all 13 of our enrolled families this year.

Children are finding lots of wonderful treasures in the forest and these are serving as sparks of new friendships and conversations. Bluejay feathers, preying mantis exoskeletons, butterflies, luna moth wings, have all been doorways to new friendships!

The children are finding belonging in being responsible for tasks this year! Some of the things this week they have taken great pride in are: helping serve lunch, counting sporks for the group, taking care of their own backpacks and water bottles, cleaning up the orange cones at the end of the day, putting their own lunch box lids on, and helping to wind the yarn we will dye with amaranth we harvested today.

On Friday when we were indoors due to thunder we made art, storybooks, spell books, completed puzzles, read book, and played with differently shaped blocks.

Outside on Garden Day, Kylie shared her gardening expertise as we pulled weeds, planted loofah, carrot, and birdhouse gourd seeds and watered what we planted. Children also helped harvest amaranth for a dyeing project next week.

At snack time Ashley told a story about the star fairy who gave all the apples in the world the star pattern we see in their seeds. Ask your children to tell you the story and see if they have gained new storytelling skills!