Daily Diary 2/11/20

In preparation for the variable weather forecast, we spent much of the first part of our morning in and around Pavillion 2, creating with clay at the picnic tables, and integrating found objects and ideas into our art. A true treasure hunt commenced for small confetti litter (gold discs, stars, hearts and other bright tidbits) left behind by some celebration, as well other special items including large quartz crystal rocks, and other surprising finds. Some artisans used natural items and fabulous textures for their clay creations. Use of the magnifying glass allowed for the viewing of very tiny creatures more easily. Nearby in the field and on the perimeter of the pavilion, the children began doing foot races and other action or movement games including riding “power motorcycles.”  We ate snack at the picnic table together and read a compelling egyptian myth about Isis together. Then we traveled together to a nearby forest area with with lots of downed logs and a very shallow rainwater stream. We used the mud kitchen supplies there and did some safe sloshy mild water play. Action games commenced, that were paused due to a possible snake sighting, causing the game to be reoriented away from that “base”. We did some nature “fashion design” as well! After walking back to the main building we gathered for snack inside. The day was unusual due to weather adjustments, but quite lovely.