Daily Diary 2/27/20
What a beautiful day! It was so nice to have all 9 children present, AND dry sunny weather! We warmed up quickly once we took the long walk to our new favorite site. Annabelle joined us midway through the morning as she does every Thursday. The dominant form of play we witnessed today was a variation on the ever-present superhero play that the older boys love. They started a superhero training school! Mabry, Willa, and Larkin were initiated into the realm of superhero play by completing certain obstacle course type challenges. Miles joined in near the end as well. It was very friendly and supportive and the play expanded and evolved over HOURS. Kylie also gave us a lesson on collecting pine needles for tea today! She taught the children about harvesting (not taking too much from one place) and how to prepare the needles for tea (taking off any stems fully). We enjoyed it with fresh squeezed lemon and local honey. Pine needle tea is full of vitamin C! A sweet new friendship that really blossomed today was between Miles and Jarrett. You can see in the photos how Jarrett made a “sun shade” over Miles at lunch. Multi-age learning is wonderful for the older and younger students both!