Athens Forest Kindergarten

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Daily Diary 11/5/19

Today, we had an exciting start with a photographer from the Athens Banner-Herald joining us for part of the morning. But even better, some dead trees that had kept us out of one play area were finally cut down today! Children got to hear the chainsaws buzzing and trees falling just before we arrived, and then go to our site to investigate what changes had taken place. The children were thrilled with being able to explore the old space as new with the logs down. Lots of balancing took place over the new logs, jumping, and hiding in newly created spaces. Some got together to “film” scenes, which we’re hoping to explore more with them in the form of storytelling, theater, or perhaps videos. Larkin moved from guided flower drawing to choosing to draw independently today while narrating each part as she drew. Charlie and Jarrett spent some time reading a field guide together. Sammy taught Wendell how to jump off a log. Eden balanced on a log path. Beck moved well between multiple groups today, deepening friendships with a variety of peers.