Daily Diary 10/29/19
We started the morning with a game of extended “Red Light, Green Light”, which included purple, blue, and rainbow lights (for animal movements). We introduced a simplified version of our rules-- “respect yourself, respect each other, and respect the forest” before heading into the forest. On the way in, we briefly discussed oak trees and leaves. Once in the forest, all were interested in the field guides. Larkin continued work with the flower guide, while others used the wildlife and bird guides to identify animals they had seen in other places. Today, games were fluid, moving from plot to plot, including dragons, heroes, and family themes. Robin brought out her Animal Cards. Each child chose a surprise card and an intentionally-chosen card to draw on the “powers” of that animal for their game/s. At snack, we read a Clifford book that Charlie brought to share. We also finished a long Halloween story about “changelings” in Dublin, Ireland. In our closing circle Sarah suggested each child “make a shape that is relaxing to you” on their dot and hold it and breathe deeply while she rang the singing bowl. They chose three different shapes for the three different times the bowl was struck. Yoga without mats or lingo!