Daily Songs!

Songs have become a big part of our class structure. Knowing what comes next is very important and the rhythm of singing together helps students with transitions.

In the morning, teachers call the children to circle with this song, “Round and Round the Earth is Turning”.

Then as part of our morning circle time, we invite children to sing “Good Morning Dear Earth” with us.

Throughout the day, we sing a little song Kylie made up for transitions and clean up moments. For example: “It’s time to get your backpacks, backpacks, backpacks, it’s time to get your backpacks, and put them on”.

When we are sitting together for lunch, we sing a version of “Blessings on the Blossom” (slower than this video!).

And then right before pickup time we sing “Now it’s Time to Say Goodbye” to the tune of Twinkle Twinkle Little Star.

Now it’s time to say goodbye

Thank you earth and thank you sky

Lots of things to see and do

Nature’s part of me and you

Now it’s time to say goodbye

Thank you earth and thank you sky.