Week 27 - spring energy and whittling
Spring is in the air, and there has been such a spring-like quality to the students this week! The students’ play has been rich and varied as they’ve been able to shed some winter layers this week!
Much like the children, we are noticing the forest wake up from the winter months. Tiny leaves are beginning to emerge, and forest creatures from snails to birds have become active again. We spent lots of time this week bird watching and listening to the birds around us. Field guides and binoculars have been welcome tools, as well as just a quiet spot to sit and observe.
Another big interest this week has been building and creating new structures! Two pirate ships have been built, as well as a communal house, complete with a door fashioned from a play silk. The students have been so collaborative while creating these structures, and it’s been wonderful to observe their problem solving skills.
We introduced beginning whittling to a few interested students this week, and plan to incorporate extra tools next week, as interest expands. We use simple vegetable peelers for peeling bark off of twigs, which is such a big experience for this age!
We’ve been dreaming up a spring garden, and look forward to a garden day next week, as we prepare for spring planting!
As always, we wish you all a wonderful weekend of togetherness, and we’ll see you next week!