Week 8 - deepening interests in science and art
The weather has been delightfully cool in the morning! This presents the opportunity to talk about our clothing during circle time, planting seeds of thoughtfulness about our preparations for the colder, wetter months ahead! We also talk about cardinal directions at circle time, laying the foundation for a sense of direction, and connection with the celestial bodies. Stretching at circle time has been a big hit recently too.
The children have done some scientific and playful inquiry into how a see-saw works this week. When we talk about how STEM-related interests emerge naturally from unstructured time outdoors, this is a perfect example!
On a social-emotional front, we continue to support the children in checking on each other after something happens that’s upsetting—whether the incident was on purpose or on accident, small or large. "Checking on each other” is more open ended and therefore we have found children are less likely to take away a rote, meaningless act of saying “sorry” without thought.
We have seen a continued interest in structure building - both large scale and small. The children have created fairy houses, snail houses and houses for forest kindergarteners to have a pretend birthday party inside of. We love seeing the community-building that is emerging from these child-led projects.
Our exploration of sewing continues, and it’s remarkable to see how each child approaches the task with their own unique style. There’s also an ongoing interest in making a wreath out of muscadine vines, a long term project!