Week 17-Music and numbers
How happy we all were to reunite in the forest after the thanksgiving break! The students got right back to their play and the energy was wonderful!
On Tuesday, we began a student-led photography project, which we can’t wait to share with you more soon! We have some talented and thoughtful photographers in the group!
Wednesday’s early morning storm brought us to the visitor center for a field and garden day. We worked in the garden, planting potatoes and pulling weeds. Several students took advantage of the good climbing trees around the garden, and encouraged their smaller friends as well. Sarah made an extra yummy lunch using roasted sweet potatoes, barley, a salad, and black eyed peas, which the kids really loved!
Thursday was spent at the Crow’s Nest. We lit a fire to stay warm and explored the surrounding area. There was an impromptu band practice after gathering sticks and pots and pans from the mud kitchen! Leo and Huck built an elaborate fire truck complete with dozens of controls on a fallen log. At snacktime, the children began a discussion with each other about counting and numbers, which led to exploring addition! When their curiosity grew to larger numbers, we gathered acorn caps to use as a manipulative to help really visualize the numbers. Their true joy of learning is so wonderful to see!
Friday, we returned to the fallen oak forest site for a beautiful day of play. The interest in music and song continued as we taught each other new songs and sang to friends! Another common theme we’ve noticed is art! We’ve noticed the children gaining new perspective in their art and making more and more elaborate drawings. They really love to share with their teachers the details of their drawings, whether from their amazing imagination or something they have observed in the forest!
We’re wishing you all a wonderful weekend full of rest, togetherness, and small adventures!