Week 11 - mud, mud, and more mud
This week began a new quarter and we welcomed Jungho and Joni as Forest Helpers. We also are happy to have AB joining us every Friday this semester as our new UGA intern. Ashley was away for a trip and Hamlin joined us for three days. He always brings a playful energy and the children love to play Duck, Duck, Goose and Red Light Green Light with him.
On Wednesday and Thursday the children did LOTS of mud play. There were a lot of teaching moments between the kids—they shared what they learned outside of AFK, including dance moves, various body shapes, etc. The children also taught AB how to play the dance and freeze game they made up!
The children found honey mushrooms and wanted to pick them. Kylie told them about how important it is to try to leave food for the animals who are preparing for winter and the next day they had been eaten!